Crushed Vitamin C To Remove Hair Dye

Crushed Vitamin C To Remove Hair Dye

Lately I've been looking at home remedies for your hair, from conditioning to removing colour or even lifting your colour. Today I want to talk about removing dye from your hair using vitamin c tablets.

Experiment/Tutorial - Removing Dye From Your Hair Using Vitamin C

I've read so many posts on this but can honestly say its something I've never tried. There is A LOT of posts if you google it and forums about this type of thing. Basically the Vitamin C doesn't strip the colour from your hair you have applied, but works in the hair shaft and oxidises the dye, so the molecules shrink. At least, that's the theory from what I can gather.

So, I thought what the hell – I'll give it a go for my readers and see if it actually works with some pictures so you can see for your self.

The recipe varies a bit from post to post, but here's what I used;

7 Vitamin C tablets (I got mine from Poundland, mine were the large ones you get in a tube and were 1000mg strength)

2-3 table spoons Clarifying Shampoo (I'd ran out, so used Baby Shampoo instead)

A rolling pin (To crash the tablets)

Bowl (To mix the ingredients)

Tint Brush/Spoon (Again, this is just to mix the ingredients)

Shower Cap (And a towel too, to keep the heat in and also help with any drips).

Now, before I start this I want to explain a couple of things. The chance of this recipe irritating your scalp and skin is possible! So, firstly be careful! Any itching, pain, tingling etc and I would remove the mixture ASAP!!

I also would like to point out, I am by no way saying this is the solution to removing colour from your hair. I am mealy testing the theory on my own hair and giving you a report of whether it worked.

Experiment/Tutorial - Removing Dye From Your Hair Using Vitamin C

Take the vitamin c tablets and crush them. I did this in a sandwich bag with a rolling pin. Its relatively easy and you will end up with a fine powder. It appears most say work on a 2 to 1 ratio (2 parts shampoo to 1 part vitamin c).

Experiment/Tutorial - Removing Dye From Your Hair Using Vitamin C

Pop your shampoo in a bowl, add the crushed vitamin c tablets and mix. The mixture will become one massive frothy mess and expand (Mine smelt really nice too!).

Apply to your towel dried hair. Work the product in to the areas you are moving the colour from. Try not too rub it too much into the scalp!!

Add your shower cap and pop a towel over the top and wait about 2 hours. You could of course leave it an hour and check it or check it frequently. But the golden time everyone else uses is 2 hours. REMEMBER IF IT STINGS WASH IT OFF!!

When your time is up, rinse and shampoo your hair. Then apply a good conditioner or treatment and leave that on for 15 minutes. Rinse when finished.

Now, seeing as I'm doing this as an experiment. Let me show you my before and afters and talk about what was on my hair to begin with.

Experiment/Tutorial - Removing Dye From Your Hair Using Vitamin C - hair before Experiment/Tutorial - Removing Dye From Your Hair Using Vitamin C - hair before Experiment/Tutorial - Removing Dye From Your Hair Using Vitamin C - hair before

Here is my hair before. I have recently coloured my hair bright red with a permanent dye. I then ombre the ends with a bleach bath. I also applied an ash toner all over on saturday as it was a little brassy.

Red is extremely hard to remove from hair, so my expectations were that it should have lifted some of the red from the top where my hair hadn't had the bleach bath and removed the toner from the ends.

Experiment/Tutorial - Removing Dye From Your Hair Using Vitamin C - hair after Experiment/Tutorial - Removing Dye From Your Hair Using Vitamin C - hair after Experiment/Tutorial - Removing Dye From Your Hair Using Vitamin C - hair after

After 1 application of the Vitamin C treatment you can clearly see it has lifted some of the colour. I apologise for the poor lighting, as it lifted more than the images have shown. The condition of my hair was really soft and shiny. In fact, you wouldn't know I had done anything to it at all. I only applied my normal conditioner after the treatment (John Frieda Frizz Ease Conditioner) and rough dried my hair.

I would liken the results to when I have used Colour B4, if I'm honest. I imagined that my hair is brassy because of the staining from the red dye still (This often occurs on bleach hair).

So, would I recommend using this method to remove artificial colour, or dye? Yes, I found on my hair it worked. My hairs condition was good and it was much gentler than using a bleach bath or some products that are on the market. This will not lift your hair shade, it will not lighten your hair lighter than it was before. It will only remove artificial dyes you have applied and may take more than 1 application to do.

I didn't suffer any reactions at all to the vitamin c recipe. Some people have reports irritations, however my scalp was fine. As I pointed out though, if you do have any irritation etc then remove the treatment ASAP!!

That concludes my experiment, I hope it helps someone out there!

Lots of Love,

Mel xxxx

Sources (Here are 2 of the sources I used, although I read many posts on forums too);

Can I really recommend KimmiKillZombie's blog. She has some great tutorials and things on there.

Crushed Vitamin C To Remove Hair Dye



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